mardi 15 novembre 2011

Inspiring Coworking Spaces

Wikipedia defines co-working as ‘a style of work which involves a shared working environment, sometimes an office, yet independent activity’. Considering the fact that there are more and more people telecommuting these days, this is a concept that is quickly gaining traction especially among techies, internet entrepreneurs and freelancers. Today we are featuring co-working spaces from Loosecubes, a site dedicated exclusively to such spaces from around the globe.
Loosecubes connect people with working spaces they want or, better yet, need. You simply have to determine what kind of a work space would work best for you, and the search throws up numerous options which you can customize based on preference. The site also invites you to host your own space and find fellow coworkers who share similar interests. You just might find this site to be a solution for your procrastinating tendencies, lack of inspiration and motivation and simply to be an escape from daily telecommuting. Here are some great spaces that caught our attention.

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